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Holy Spirit

6. Church - Christian Stuff Series
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Thanks for joining us in our last session of this 6 part series on Christian Stuff.


Through our previous videos we’ve looked at: 

  • The accuracy of the Bible as the historical evidence that provides our reference for what we believe.

  • We’ve considered the creation story.

  • We’ve understood that when we don’t trust God and live our own way it creates separation from our Creator – and that our works and achievements can’t restore that relationship.

  • We’ve been introduced to Jesus – God’s son who lived on earth to show us how to live – and paid our price of death through his resurrection – showing us how much God loves us that our relationship with Him can be restored. 

  • And in our last episode we learnt about the Holy Spirit – who once we have become a follower of Jesus – dwells within us guiding us, helping us and allowing us to live with the same power that Jesus lived with.


This bring us to our final episode on The Church.


When Jesus left the earth his followers began meeting together every day, sharing meals and showing others what it meant to follow Jesus. This was the first church and in some ways church should be no different today.


The church is not a building but about community – or simply common unity.


We are committed to a common cause in Jesus. It’s inclusive where everyone looks after one another and has a sense of purpose for the role that we all play in building Gods kingdom here on earth.

Its unity – meaning the combination of one another together is better than us divided. 


One way of describing the church is all the people who have ever lived in the world at any time that have believed in Jesus – that’s like the global church.


The other way to describe the church is the local gathering of people who are exploring what it means to be a follower of Jesus. This is a place where you can belong. A place where people are following Jesus’ teaching – learning to love God and learning to love other people.


We should care about the place we live, be invested in the well being of its people and we can do that together through our church community


If you’ve been following this series on Christian Stuff, while we hope it has answered some of your questions about following Jesus, we also hope you have a lot more questions that you want answered.


Things like: 

  • What does it mean to be baptised?

  • What is communion?

  • Why does the church ask for money and what does it use it for?

  • How can I help others like Jesus did?

  • Why do people sing songs in church?

  • What are my spiritual gifts?

  • How do I tell other people about Jesus?


Part of us following Jesus is about changing the way we live – so asking questions is OK. He says that if we are prepared to give up our life to follow him – we will gain our best life which he wants us to live to its fullest.


God has gifted you and put a dream inside of you.


He loves you and has a purpose for your life that fits into the plan he has for his kingdom. Paul described it this way… The church is a body – we each have a part to play but each part of the body has a different role.


Being part of a community of people, a church, will help you to keep finding answers to your questions.


If you need help finding a church or have any other questions you can always get in touch with us.



  • What do you think of church? 

  • What has been your previous experience with church?

  • Do you believe that God intended the journey of life to be done with other people? Why or why not?

  • How do you believe God has gifted you?

  • What do you think your purpose in life is?

  • Would you like to be part of a church?

  • What other questions do you have about being a follower of Jesus?



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